Sleeping well
is essential for your health and overall wellbeing. However, in the
fast-paced world today people often spend sleepless nights or do not
sleep properly due to an extravagant lifestyle, poor eating habits,
lack of exercise, and stress. It’s usual and temporary too.
But, if a
long-term effect of sleep deprivation leave you physically and
emotionally drained and is affecting your overall health as well,
start by scrutinizing your symptoms, looking especially for the
indicative daytime signs of sleep deprivation like sleepiness or lack
of energy during the day, morning headaches, vagueness and mood
changes etc.
If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms on a regular basis, you may be dealing with a sleep disorder. It is a change in sleep patterns that may lead to serious health problems in future. A sleep disorder can affect your overall health and quality of life. Anyone of any age can have a sleep disorder, regardless of gender, age and body type.
improve sleep deprivation and hopefully alleviate sleep disturbances,
a minor change in the lifestyle can do a lot. You must avoid caffeine
consumption or eating a heavy meal in the evenings. Start a pre-sleep
routine to help you relax and prepare for sleep. Do something that is
relaxing for you, such as keeping mobile phones and laptops at bay,
listening to soft, soothing music or perhaps reading a book.
If you’ve
tried all possible methods to improve your sleep hygiene, yet are
still facing symptoms of a sleep disorder, schedule an appointment
with a sleep specialist about getting a sleep study.
or sleep study is an overnight observation of an individual’s sleep
to monitor the brain waves, rapid eye movements, heart rate etc.
using monitoring devices attached to your body. A sleep specialist
analyzes the results from your sleep study and designs a treatment
program if necessary. A sleep center can also provide you with
equipment to monitor your activities (awake and asleep) at home.
usually is done at a sleep disorders unit within a hospital or at a
sleep center. You'll be asked to come to the sleep center in the
evening for Polysomnography so that the test can record your
nighttime sleep patterns. Polysomnography is sometimes done during
the day to offer convenience to shift workers who habitually sleep
during the day.
Many people
are hesitant about sleep studies because they are uncomfortable with
the thought of sleeping in an unfamiliar place while being monitored.
However, Sleep Cure Solutions in Gurgaon offer patients a
comfortable environment where they can easily undertake a sleep study
without worrying about their comfort and privacy.
Equipped with
state of the art facility, the center offers sleep study at both –
home and laboratory, thus giving patients the expediency to choose
the best facility as per their convenience. Also, the benefits of
having a sleep study administered at Sleep Cure Solution and a
treatment plan tailored to your condition well outweighs the negative
effect long term sleep deprivation can have on your overall health.