Wednesday 4 November 2015

How Weight Loss And Breathing Devices Help Cure Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder that is characterized when a person infrequently breathes during sleep. People suffering from sleep apnea stop breathing during their sleep, sometimes tens to hundreds of times that would lead to hypertension, stroke, or heart failure. 

The sleep disorder treatments largely depend on the causes like addressing underlying health issues, weight loss, decreasing stress and anxiety, limiting caffeine intake and reducing tobacco and alcohol use. Loud snoring is the most common symptom of sleep apnea. Besides, an individual suffering from sleep apnea can also witness morning headaches, sleepiness and lack of energy during the day, forgetfulness, mood changes, etc. 

Weight Loss
If you suspect that you may have sleep apnea, the first thing you should do is to consult a sleep specialist and discuss your case in detail. Also, ask your partner if he/she noticed that you snore loudly or perhaps stop breathing during sleep. Be sure to take a complete list of medications with you when visiting a sleep specialist for the first time.

Though, in the history of medical sciences, there are many sleep disorder treatments in India, but various studies have shown that weight loss and breathing devices can also do wonders when it comes to treating sleep apnea.

       Breathing Devices
There is no denying the fact that excess weight and sleep apnea are interrelated with one another. Reason being, people who are overweight have access fat in the back of their throat which can plunge over the airway and obstruct the flow of air into the lungs while they sleep. Even though losing weight is easier said than done, but if one can do it with constant rigor, he can easily get rid of sleep apnea and other health problems too.  Experts believe that shedding just 10% of body weight can lay a strong impact on the sleep apnea symptoms. In some cases, losing a large amount of weight can even cure the condition from its core.
CPAP is another proven way to cure sleep apnea. This is typically the first line treatment for people with sleep apnea. A CPAP is a mask that sets over your mouth and nose, or sometimes just over your nose. It gently blows air into your throat. The pressure from the air keeps your airway open while you sleep. Sleep apnea has strong chances to reoccur if you stop using your CPAP machine or don’t use it accurately. A technician generally sets up the CPAP machine at your home and adjusts it as per your doctor's recommendations.

But before you decide on the suitable treatment option, it is advised to get a sleep study done at Sleep Cure Solutions. It is one of the popular Polysomnogram test centers in Gurgaon and offers unsurpassed treatment and diagnosis for all types of sleep disorders, such as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), insomnia, narcolepsy and sleep-related problems of pregnancy to name a few.

Friday 3 July 2015

Not Sleeping Well? Get a Sleep Study Done at Sleep Cure Solutions

Sleeping well is essential for your health and overall wellbeing. However, in the fast-paced world today people often spend sleepless nights or do not sleep properly due to an extravagant lifestyle, poor eating habits, lack of exercise, and stress. It’s usual and temporary too.
But, if a long-term effect of sleep deprivation leave you physically and emotionally drained and is affecting your overall health as well, start by scrutinizing your symptoms, looking especially for the indicative daytime signs of sleep deprivation like sleepiness or lack of energy during the day, morning headaches, vagueness and mood changes etc.

If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms on a regular basis, you may be dealing with a sleep disorder. It is a change in sleep patterns that may lead to serious health problems in future. A sleep disorder can affect your overall health and quality of life. Anyone of any age can have a sleep disorder, regardless of gender, age and body type.

To improve sleep deprivation and hopefully alleviate sleep disturbances, a minor change in the lifestyle can do a lot. You must avoid caffeine consumption or eating a heavy meal in the evenings. Start a pre-sleep routine to help you relax and prepare for sleep. Do something that is relaxing for you, such as keeping mobile phones and laptops at bay, listening to soft, soothing music or perhaps reading a book.

If you’ve tried all possible methods to improve your sleep hygiene, yet are still facing symptoms of a sleep disorder, schedule an appointment with a sleep specialist about getting a sleep study.

Polysomnography or sleep study is an overnight observation of an individual’s sleep to monitor the brain waves, rapid eye movements, heart rate etc. using monitoring devices attached to your body. A sleep specialist analyzes the results from your sleep study and designs a treatment program if necessary. A sleep center can also provide you with equipment to monitor your activities (awake and asleep) at home.

Polysomnography usually is done at a sleep disorders unit within a hospital or at a sleep center. You'll be asked to come to the sleep center in the evening for Polysomnography so that the test can record your nighttime sleep patterns. Polysomnography is sometimes done during the day to offer convenience to shift workers who habitually sleep during the day.

Many people are hesitant about sleep studies because they are uncomfortable with the thought of sleeping in an unfamiliar place while being monitored. However, Sleep Cure Solutions in Gurgaon offer patients a comfortable environment where they can easily undertake a sleep study without worrying about their comfort and privacy.

Equipped with state of the art facility, the center offers sleep study at both – home and laboratory, thus giving patients the expediency to choose the best facility as per their convenience. Also, the benefits of having a sleep study administered at Sleep Cure Solution and a treatment plan tailored to your condition well outweighs the negative effect long term sleep deprivation can have on your overall health.

Monday 2 March 2015

How Effective Is Polysomnography Test to Diagnose Sleep Disorders?

Does your bed partner snore at night? Or do you feel sleepy during the day despite having complete sleep for more than 6 hours at night? See a sleep specialist today as you and your partner may be suffering from some sleep disorder. Talk to a sleep specialists or undergo a Polysomnography test at a reputed sleep center in Delhi to cure the ailment with ease and before the condition worsens.

Sound sleep at night is essential for everybody. Due to workload at office and household, finding enough time for sleeping is one of the biggest challenges for all. But sleeping well is a must. It is as important as eating food and drinking a lot of water on time to stay healthy.

Despite the importance of quality sleep, almost every Indian man or woman sleeps less than seven hours at night due to work pressure, stress, irregular working schedules, and most importantly, due to change in lifestyle and location while travelling. 

Sleep apnea is the most common type of sleep disorder, generally found in 7 out of 10 people in India.  It characterized by pauses in breathing for a short period of time or breathing more frequently than normal  while sleeping at night.

Sleep apnea, if not cured at the right time, can cause serious health issues, such as diabetes, heart strokes, and other chronic diseases. It is estimated that up to 7 percent of the population suffers from this unusual condition and it is more common in men.

The four common symptoms of sleep apnea. 1. Pauses in breathing during sleep, 2. Loud and persistent snoring, 3. Choking episodes while sleeping and 4. Drowsiness during the day with a persistent early morning headache.

If your sleep at night is disturbed by your snoring bed partner, don't waste time in complaining about it. Take him or her to a sleep specialist and ensure that you both sleep well at night which is central to healthy and happy living.

Polysomnography, or sleep study is a common test done to diagnose sleep disorders. It is an overnight observation of an individual’s sleeping patterns. The experts monitor the various stages and cycles of sleeping, brain waves, the oxygen level in the body, heart rate and breathing as well as the movement of eyes and legs in order to identify the symptoms of a sleep disorder.

In addition to diagnosing sleep disorders, Polysomnography aims at  finding the right cure  to a disorder so that  the disorder is healed once and for all. 

Polysomnography is generally recommended if the patients are suspected to have sleep apnea or other sleep related disorders. This sleep study test is also conducted when an individual suffers from narcolepsy, REM sleep behavior sleep disorder, unusual behavior while sleeping and unexplained chronic insomnia, to name a few.

Sleep cure solutions is a well-known sleep study center in Delhi. It aims to offer effective diagnosis and treatment for a variety of sleep disorders.  The clinic has a good track record of high success rate of sleep disorder assessment and treatment. In addition to all these issues, this clinic offers solution to irregular sleeping patterns found in pregnant women and patients under extensive medication or suffering from some serious psychiatric illness.

Wednesday 4 February 2015

How Treating Sleep Disorders Can Cure Diabetes?

Do your spouse often complain against your snoring? A good many people experience troubles while sleeping at some time in life or the other due to hectic work schedule or because of some stress at home but if sleep problems have become a regular occurrence in your life, chances are you are suffering from severe sleep disorder.    

Sleep disorders are commonly found in almost 70% of men and women in India. Apart from causing dizziness by the day, it affects health in several ways. It has a negative impact on your energy, hits your mood, health and can even drag you to severe health problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, strokes and weight gain issues, etc.

Sleep apnea is the most common sleep disorder which causes infrequent breathing or disrupts normal breathing system while sleeping. The breathing pauses usually last for 10-20 seconds and can occur up to 100 times a night perturbing the natural biological process of sleeping that may cause drowsiness and abnormal tiredness throughout the day.
Various studies have shown that diabetes and sleep apnea are closely related with each other. It is also believed that almost 9 out of 10 people with sleep disorders are diabetic patients, too. However, a recent study suggests that proper treatment of sleep disorder can cure diabetes and help diabetics sleep better. Additionally, sleep disorder treatment also helps lower blood sugar level in diabetic patients and thereby improve health conditions significantly.

In order to overcome sleep apnea with Continuous Positive Air Pressure (CPAP) is one of the preferred therapies gaining momentum these days. Curing irregular sleeping habits, it goes the extra mile and helps stay healthy minimizing other health complications.

CPAP is a mass device that supplies a stream of air while you sleep. It considerably reduces blood sugar levels by dropping insulin resistance. Restless sleep gives a hike in hormones that work against insulin action. By improving sleep, CPAP may improve hormone levels as well.

Sleep apnea can affect anybody of any age. However, men are more prone to suffer from sleep apnea, especially those who are in their forties. Other side-effects of sleep apnea include are large neck size, large tonsils, overweight, a family history of sleep apnea and Gastroesophageal reflux.


Sleep apnea is a serious and potentially life threatening disorder. If you suspect that any one of your family is suffering from sleep apnea or even if it is you snoring at night, don't neglect this problem. You must see a doctor right away. Sleep cure solutions is one of the most preferred sleep care centers that aim at offering the infallible diagnosis processes and the latest treatments of sleep disorders. It has a team of expert doctors who first diagnose the ailment and provide the best in class treatment depending upon individual health conditions.